Iron Lotus Academy
From Exalted
Creates the Iron Lotus Academy in Soba
Intelligence + War. Goal 30 diff 1. Creates a military training barracks within the city. Allowing the rapid formation of military forces within the City.
Creates a Size 3 Battle Group of 1 particular speciality each Story.
+1 Pxp. Foundry of the Republic. Sobas metal smiths are brought together to forge quantities of arsenic bronze with which to arm the city's armies.
+1Pxp. Army of the Republic. Battlegroups created by the Academy gain 1 Might when fighting the Fae.
+1 Pxp. Mystic Alignment. Prerequisites. College of Sorcery, Solar Republic Discourse. The Academy allows a Mortal Sorcerer to be Trained ( Cost of 3xp per instance)