City Watch

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Not the main military presence of Soba, the Strap has soldiers for that. Nor the main police force, the nobles have thier own guards, the merchants use mercenaries and the middle classes rely on the Dockhandlers. The City watch is responsible for keeping the peace of the city and for manning the walls during war time ( though there are far too few of them for that).

The Watch receives a small dole from the city for their duties and are often part time. They are drawn from 3 main groups. Professional theiftakers, Adherents of The Righteous Lady and the hereditary descendants of the old watchmen who lack other employ. Historically they were often supplemented by Kif nomads following the instruction of The Prophet to defend Soba ( this practice is largely ignored by the tribes in the current era).

In pursuit of their duties the watch are often policemen, Judge and executioner of justice. The Crimes of breaking the city's peace is reasonably broad, however the watch usually steers clear of those who can fight back. Thus Nobility, merchants and members of larger guilds are beyond the watch's ability to interdict.