For many a year, my old school bag served me well for transporting all of my paraphernalia to and from games. It holds a ring-binder or two, plus a box for dice (I did have one unfortunate incident while cycling home in the dark with a glass jar of dice in it … I managed to retrieve most of them …).
It also formed a useful surface for recording my travels.
More recently, we tend to play at my house, so transport is less of an issue! When I do travel to a game, I am rarely GM, so my needs are somewhat reduced.
Originally bought for my tablet, my new satchel holds most that I need for a game, and forms my all-purpose travel-bag.With two main sections, and the front pocket (all zipped) and a slip-pocket on the back, I can store my dice/pen holder, A5 paper (just!) and any other trinkets I may need.
My standard fare includes leather-bound notebook, pencils, assorted medication, a few self-promotional materials (#self-employed !) and of course diceThe stationery case opens to reveal … stationery! (and more dice!)
Index cards are always useful (especially when I don’t have room for A4 pads). More pencils than I need is a necessity!
- Notepad (essential for taking notes!)
- Meds (Throat sweets and head-ache tablets. Really useful!)
- Business Cards (Never leave home without them!)
- Pens and Pencils, erasers. Highlighter.
- Index Cards (For several uses)
- DICE! 1 set haematite. 1 set Blue. Assorted D6. A bunch of D4, as a previous PC used them. My “Exalted D10” bag.
Character sheets are usually left at the Game, and rule books carried separately.
My phone doesn’t really count as “Gaming accessory”, more of my lifeline! It gets used in some games more than others. (The FWTD game I run has lots of online resources).
So, what’s in your bag?
Do you have a Standard Gaming Bag? What do you grab when you get The Call? Do you make do with an Asda Bag-For-Life stuffed with whatever you can find nearby, or do you have a Gamer’s Survival Kit that will see you through pretty much any situation this side of the Apocalypse (and possibly beyond)?