Mists of Eventide

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A contentious spell.

Ben has it as his Terrestrial Control Spell.

Due to certain factors (anyone under it's effects will crash, and fall asleep if they make a decisive attack), it has been altered:

1) Mists of Eventide is virtually unknown amongst Exalts in the second age. Unless Ben shares the spell with others and lets the Djinni out of the bottle then PCs won't be facing it from enemy Exalts. Some old spirits may know the spell, but are Oathed under Heaven not to share it.

2) Bill may be used to guard 1 character at a time from Mist effects.

3) Air effects that blow the mist around count as an attack and may be dodged. It also diffuses the mists, limiting their effect. Effect duration, initiative drop and dice penalty reduce by 1 for each zone the mists are moved from their summon location.

4) Mists does not effect characters on the round they make a Decisive Attack as long as they inflict at least 3 levels of damage.